Sunday, November 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Weddings, Birthday parties, Fall family pictures, Christmas pictures, Christmas cards, and newborn babies have kept us very busy lately. But I just had to write something about one of our sessions from last week. When you witness a miracle, you just have to stop and give God the Glory....

Okay so I love Christmas pictures! Kids dressed in either PJ's or nice Christmas clothes and celebrating the most wonderful gift anyone was ever given, Jesus. We were blessed to shoot a sister and brother this weekend that have a very special place in our hearts. These pictures were taken not only to capture the memory of celebrating Christmas but also to celebrate the baby brother's second chance because someone else gave the gift of life by being an organ donor. Last year he received a heart transplant and is now doing great! As a matter of fact it is very hard to slow him down!! Here are a few pics from our shoot. and I promise....When things slow down a little I will start posting some of what has kept us from blogging.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

fall, fall, fall

I (Syndi) love this time of year!!!!! The leaves are awesome and the weather is nice during the day and requires a good cup of coffee or cocoa in the cool evenings. We also love this time of year because we get to catch up with so many of our customers during their family fall sessions that we do every year for Christmas cards and/or gifts. We have been so busy that I haven't had time to update the blog much. I promise that it will get updated this week!!!!! But for now I am going to post a few pictures from our family session.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

September Wedding

This was one of the sweetest weddings we have done! We took a trip up the turnpike to Tulsa's Post Oak Lodge for this quaint family event. First of all this lodge was such a great place and I am sure Jeff and I will be back to stay there soon!! Each family had a lodge they were staying at and this made the entire weekend a time for the two families to spend some time together before the ceremony.

The wedding dress was given to the bride by her grandmother when she was in eigth grade (her grandmother has since past away), The car was owned and driven by the bride's parents' best friends, The brother of the bride performed all of the music, and instead of a unity candle they took turns telling their parents and family members how much they meant to them... very sweet and very emotional. Here are a few pictures from Angi and Joel's wedding.

new baby

We were able to take a few pictures of a family that we have taken pictures of before but now they have a new addition. It was great to see how much Avery had grown and now meet her new sister. We were a little challenged (like anyone would be trying to get a two year old to focus on a new baby sister when all she wanted to do was show Syndi her toys in her room) but we had a great time and were glad to be a part of this special occasion.

August Wedding

We have been so busy I didn't realize there were quite a few things I haven't posted anything from. One of those events was a wedding at the end of August in Newcastle, Oklahoma.

Here are a few pictures from the wedding.


This is a little boy that we shoot quite often and we were able to shoot his cousin as well this time. The parents love that we drive out to Amber, OK and set up our stuff take the pictures and then pack up and go home. The kids are so much more at ease because we are on their "turf" and we enjoy using different scenery and "props". Our session this day lasted quite a while but we let the kids play, have watermelon, and then play in an outside bathtub while capturing all of the fun. They had a great time and we did also, not to mention that they make great sweetened iced tea. Pictures on the farm and a glass of sweetened iced tea....can't beat that!!!!

Senior 2009

We always love being a part of someone's senior pictures it is such a special time for them. Here are some we took last week.


Here is an informal shoot we did for our friends and I was lucky enough to be able to design their baby announcements.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Littleton family

We were blessed again by being able to shoot the littleton family. They are so much fun and we had a great time capturing the family as they await the arrival of their fourth child any day now.