Saturday, September 18, 2010

back to blogging

So I haven't blogged for over a year and thought nobody reads blogs anymore anyway. After quite a few of you asked why didn't we have a blog, I decided to go ahead and start posting to it again. Alot has happened in the last year and a half! We have had alot of trials and blessings in this time and have overcome them stronger and happier than ever! The best blessing to mention is our sweet new baby boy born in April.

This is the reason Jeff worked solo for most of last year and you didn't see me assisting him at the family sessions. I was taking it easy trying to keep my blood pressure down and do whatever it took for Parker to be a healthy baby boy when he was born. He was born healthy and now I am feeling much better. We are kicking off the fall season with a bang and are unveiling our new in home studio. Here are some examples of some of our backgrounds. Over the next few weeks I will start posting new and some older sessions that we haven't had chance to post. Check back soon for news and upcoming events.

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